Catalog Search Results
The teacher from the Black Lagoon: On the first day of school, a young boy expects the worst when he discovers that his new teacher is the "monster", Mrs. Green. What's under my bed?: Mary Ann and Louie are convinced there is something scary under their beds. By the light of the Halloween moon: A spying cat, a watchful witch, a hobgoblin sprite, all are scary companions who plan to gobble up a young girl. The three robbers: Three robbers terrify the...
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The letters of the alphabet race each other up the coconut tree. In a house filled with two parents, one girl, and two cats, counting has never been so much fun. Librarian Molly McGrew introduces a zoo full of animals to reading and they go simply wild about books. To avoid getting eaten, a resourceful inchworm must figure out how to measure a nightingale's song.
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The letters of the alphabet race each other up the coconut tree. In a house filled with two parents, one girl, and two cats, counting has never been so much fun. Librarian Molly McGrew introduces a zoo full of animals to reading and they go simply wild about books. To avoid getting eaten, a resourceful inchworm must figure out how to measure a nightingale's song.
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Corduroy longs for someone to take him home, but he searches for his missing button around the department store first. When the zookeeper leaves the door open, the happy lion decides to walk through town to visit his friends. Big diesel engines threaten to run Mike Mulligan and his old steam shovel, Mary Anne, out of business. A mother's love and a baby's smile bond the two together. Silly Auntie will try anything to get Baby to smile. Two owls discover...
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The man in the yellow hat gives Curious George a brand new bicycle. What adventures are ahead for the curious chimp. An unhappy mouse uses a magic potion to turn him into something else. A nice, or maybe nasty, old woman calls upon a rat-catcher to get rid of a nastry, or maybe nice, family of rats. Then, a tall tale sets off a chain of mishaps in the jungle.
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Diary of a spider: This spider is a lot like a normal kid--he goes to gym class and has Grandparents Day at school. But he also gets to spin sticky webs, take wind-catching lessons, and have a fly as a best friend! Roberto the insect architect: Roberto the termite travels to the big city to follow his dream of becoming a successful architect. Norman the doorman: Norman, the guard of the Art Museum, is surprised when his sculpture wins first prize...
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Harry the dirty dog: When Harry, a white dog with black spots, runs away at bath time, his playful curiosity soon finds him filthy and longing for his family. Imagine his surprise when his family doesn't recognize this strange black dog with white spots. In Officer Buckle and Gloria, Officer Buckle tries to share his safety tips unsuccessfully until he meets a police dog named Gloria. In No roses for Harry, Harry tries to lose his new sweater. In...
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Ralph is not like other mice. He is always looking for a new adventure. When a young guest arrives with a shiny miniature motorcycle, Ralph knows that it is his lucky day and takes it out for a spin. A Scottish lad has a tough decision to make. He will have to decide if he wants to be a Highlander like his father's people or a Lowlander like his mother's people. Maybe he will be able to combine his hunting and herding skills into something special....
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Chicka chicka 1,2,3: See what happens when 101 numbers race each other up an apple tree, and bad bumble bees come buzzing. Which number will save the day? -- How much is a million?: What does a million really mean? A trillion? Explains the concepts of a million, a billion, and a trillion. -- If you made a million: What's it like to have a million dollars? A guide to various forms of money.
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The ugly duckling: An ugly duckling spends an unhappy year being teased by other animals before he grows into a beautiful swan.
The emperor's new clothes: Two con artists sell a vain emperor an invisible suit of clothes.
Nightingale: A lonely emperor is entertained by a songbird that visits his palace.
The red shoes: Lisa learns the value of friendship with the help of a pair of magic red slippers.
The little match girl: A homeless child must...
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"25 exciting children's stories are faithfully adapted and brought to life in this 4-DVD collection. From beloved dinosaur tales to exciting stories about trucks to classic kid favorites, parents and children alike are sure to enjoy these storybook treasures...." Slipcase.