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"Jules Verne's pioneering classic tells the story of the distinguished but eccentric Professor Lidenbrock, who finds a scrap of parchment in an old manuscript. A cipher, written in runes, tells of an entrance to another world - a world hidden beneath our own. So with his nephew reluctantly in tow, the Professor follows this cryptic clue down into a dormant volcano, and the further they descend, the more extraordinary the discoveries and creatures...
"As one of the many installments in Jules Verne's Voyage Extraordinaire series, Journey to the Center of the Earth promises high stakes and thrilling adventure. When Professor Otto Lidenbrock bought an ancient runic manuscript, which chronicles the lives of Norwegian Kings, he did not expect to learn of anything but the history of Icelandic leaders. However, upon further inspection, Lidenbrock and his nephew, Axel, find that the manuscript includes...
3) Pellucidar
Pellucidar novels volume 2
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In this sequel to At the Earth's Core, return to the world of Pellucidar-an exotic, savage land at the center of the Earth, an untamed wilderness where the sun never sets. When American explorer David Innes first discovered Pellucidar, he fell under the spell of the strange world, earning the respect of many, the undying hatred of a few, and the love of the beautiful Dian. Torn from her arms by trickery, Innes vows revenge and returns to the Inner...
Albert Hopper science hero volume 1
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Frog--and Science Hero--Professor Albert Hopper travels with his niece Polly and nephew Tad to the center of the Earth, encountering prehistoric cavefrogs, dinosaur fossils, and Yeti on the way.
6) 2012
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A geophysical team, who are investigating the effect radiation from other solar systems has on the Earth, learn that the core of the Earth is heating up and warn the President of the United States. While the leaders of the world race to build 'arks' to escape the impending doom, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of unprecedented strength wreak havoc all over the world.
Core knowledge volume Bk. 4
"Give your child a smart start with the revised and updated What Your Fourth Grader Needs to Know How can you help your child at home? This book answers that important question and more, offering the specific shared knowledge that thousands of parents and teachers across the nation have agreed upon for American fourth graders. Featuring sixteen pages of full-color illustrations, a bolder, easier-to-follow format, and a thoroughly updated curriculum,...
9) Antarctica
Emperor penguins, Weddell Seals, Ad�elie penguins, and other creatures of Antarctica wonder if the new visitors, who arrive in noisy helicopters and metal ships, will be friends, or harbingers of destruction.
12) The Core
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A team of top scientific minds from around the world are assembled to determine what has been happening to Earth. Dr. Keyes makes the startling discovery that the Earth's electromagnetic forces have begun to collapse. If the planet is to be saved, the core of the Earth needs a jump start, and Keyes assembles a team to burrow to the center of the planet and bomb the insides back into action. However, as the crew digs deeper into the Earth, the more...
14) Core and crust
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"The Earth beneath our feet feels solid and unmoving, but Earth's surface is constantly changing, and deep beneath the crust is liquid rock. From Earth's red-hot core to the highest mountain, this book explores the makeup of the planet we call home"--Back cover.
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After noted explorer Edward Dennison vanishes, a search party led by anthropologist Jonathan Brock embarks on a mission to find him. Retracing Dennison's last known tracks through a secret passage in Alaska--a gateway to the very center of the Earth--the team discovers an underworld tribe of primitive warriors and prehistoric dangers previously unknown to civilization.
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Naked Earth offers an illuminating and thoroughly riveting account of the pioneering geophysicists of today. Around the globe, from the California desert to the Siberian tundra, the enthralling picture of inner earth emerges through their breakthrough investigations and heated debates. We learn of outdated theories that have been disproven by bold new scientific concepts, dazzling detective work, and immensely powerful technology, which have radically...
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100 million B.C. : Scientists discover time travel with horrible consequences when they inadvertently bring a giant carnivorous dinosaur back to modern Los Angeles.
Journey to the center of the Earth : A film adaptation of Jules Verne's novel that describes what happens after a special forces team, consisting of three women, are sent through space but get lost in a subterranean world full of danger and beauty, and discover many unusual things while...
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Kaplan's Praxis Prep 2017-2018 features comprehensive content review, realistic practice, and proven test-taking strategies to help you pass the Praxis tests. This updated edition includes new content and the latest exam information to help you avoid surprises on Test Day.
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This book introduces young readers to the Earth's layers, from the rocky crust to the dense inner core. Plate tectonics and early continents are among the topics discussed. Color illustrations and photographs, a glossary, a bibliography, a list of useful websites, and hands-on activities and projects are also provided.