Jonathan Swift
The wayward traveler -- Lemuel Gulliver -- ends up on a series of bizarrely populated islands. First he is a giant among little people, but then sees the situation reversed when he's surrounded by giants twelve times his size. Next he finds himself in the clouds, in a society of devoted but ultimately hapless mathematicians. Lastly, his journey brings him to an island where incredibly noble horses must deal with a race of uncouth, reviled ape-men:...
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Dieses eBook: "Gesammelte Werke: Gulliver's Reisen + Irland + Tagebuch für Stella + Die Bücherschlacht + Ein Märchen von einer Tonne + Unterricht für alle Arten unerfahrner Bedienten (Vollständige deutsche Ausgabe)" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. -- Inhalt: -- IrlandTagebuch für StellaDie BücherschlachtEin Märchen von einer TonneUnterricht für alle Arten unerfahrner...
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Embark on a captivating journey through the imaginative world of "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift. This timeless masterpiece, penned in 1726, follows the adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, an intrepid explorer whose voyages lead him to remarkable lands, each with its unique inhabitants and customs. Swift's ingenious satire delves deep into the complexities of human nature and society, offering a thought-provoking commentary that remains relevant...
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Brought together here in this volume is a classic collection of satirical works from Jonathan Swift, perhaps one of the greatest satirist in the English language. While Swift is probably best known for his novel "Gulliver's Travels", he was a brilliant satirist with a cutting wit and mastery of language. His skills with the pen, which made him both famous and feared by the powerful, can be seen in "A Modest Proposal". Swift's famous essay, originally...
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"Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is one of the greatest satirical works ever written. Through the misadventures of Lemuel Gulliver, his hopelessly "modern" protagonist, Swift exposes many of the follies of the English Enlightenment, from its worship of science to its neglect of traditional philosophy and theology. In Swift's eighteenth century, as in our twenty-first, a war being fought between the "ancients"and the "moderns", between those rooted...
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A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick, commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729. The essay suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food to rich gentlemen and ladies. This satirical...
When Joe's team is in the running for the basketball playoffs, Wishbone is reminded not to judge people by size as he imagines himself as the seventeenth-century traveler, Lemuel Gulliver, whose adventures included visits to Lilliput, where people are six inches tall, and Brobdingnag, a land peopled by giants.