Robert A. Heinlein
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A young man from Mars comes to Earth & must learn our strange ways. After his arrival on Earth from his home on Mars, Valentine Michael Smith becomes the founder and pastor of a new religious sect and the sensation he creates teaches Earth some unforgettable lessons, including grokking, watersharing, and love. One of the greatest science fiction novels ever published, Stranger in a Strange Land's original manuscript had 60,000 words cut. Here at last,...
3) Friday
Friday is a secret courier and ardent lover. Employed by a man she only knows of as "Boss," she is given the most awkward and dangerous cases, which take her from New Zealand to Canada, and through the new States of America's disunion, all the way out into the stars and the new colony of Botany Bay. Thrust into one calamity after another, she uses her enhanced wits and very many skills to evade, seduce or even kill her way out of any sticky situation...
4) Red planet
"Marking the first appearance of the Martian elder race taht plays such a prominent role in Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein's iconic Red Planet tells the story of Jim Marlowe and Frank Sutton's jurney to the Lowe Academy boarding school on Mars, and the discoveries they make there that impact the guture of their entire colony" -- back cover.
6) Double Star
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Every stand-in dreamed of the starring role - but what actor would risk his life for the chance?
One minute, down-and-out actor Lorenzo Smythe is, as usual, in a bar, drinking away his troubles while watching his career circle the drain. Then a space pilot buys him a drink, and the next thing Smythe knows, he's shanghaied to Mars. Smythe suddenly finds himself agreeing to the most difficult role of his career: impersonating an important politician...
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"A delight."-New York Herald TribuneA tale beloved by many fans of Robert A. Heinlein, Podkayne of Mars tells the story of a young Marswoman and her inter-planetary adventures with her uncle and her genius brother.Told largely through Podkayne's diaries, the story details her travel to Earth with her two companions. Podkayne has very definite plans on what to do and how to do it, but not everything is as it seems. She is suddenly thrust into the middle...
After he firewalked in Polynesia, the world wasn't the same for Alexander Hergensheimer, now called Alec Graham. As natural accidents occurred without cease, Alex knew Armageddon and the Day of Judgement were near. Somehow he had to bring his beloved heathen, Margrethe, to a state of grace, and, while he was at it, save the rest of the world ....
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1989, c1980
A universe-hopping foursome fleeing an alien menance are determined to keep them from revealing the existence of their continuum device. With an infinite supply of alternate universes to choose from, the four heroes manage to locate the original Oz and settle down.
18) Glory road
E.C. "Scar" Gordon, a Vietnam veteran, answers an ad promising adventure and meets a mysterious beauty who transports him to another world
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Prophetic science fiction: Life-line; The Roads Must Roll; Blowups Happen; The Man Who Sold the Moon; Delilah and the Spacerigger; Space Jockey; Requiem; The Long Watch; Gentlemen, Be Seated; The Black Pits of Luna; "It's Great to Be Back!"; "We Also Walk Dogs"; Searchlight; Ordeal in Space; The Green Hills of Earth; Logic of Empire; The Menace from Earth; "If This Goes On ..."; Conventry; Misfit; and Methuselah's Children.