Billy Aronson
"As one of the many installments in Jules Verne's Voyage Extraordinaire series, Journey to the Center of the Earth promises high stakes and thrilling adventure. When Professor Otto Lidenbrock bought an ancient runic manuscript, which chronicles the lives of Norwegian Kings, he did not expect to learn of anything but the history of Icelandic leaders. However, upon further inspection, Lidenbrock and his nephew, Axel, find that the manuscript includes...
Pub. Date
"Peg and Cat are visiting their friends Yasmina and Amir during a very special holiday, Eid al-Adha. Everyone is excited to don their best duds, exchange presents, and eat a yummy feast divided into equal parts--one-third for family, one-third for friends and neighbors, and one-third for those in need. but Cat isn't so sure about giving all that deliciousness away. Can more generosity and less honey cake equal happiness for Cat? Eid Mubarak!" -- Jacket....
Pub. Date
Peg's mom has given her and Cat five important letters to mail. "She says it's because we're growing up," says Peg. And sure enough, the height marks on the wall show that they're getting taller! But there's a problem: when they get to the mailbox, they find a very big dog sitting in front of it. How can they get around or behind this scary-looking canine to mail the letters? Or could it be that they're jumping to conclusions -- and the obstacle itself...
Pub. Date
"When Peg and Cat encounter hungry pirates by the seashore, they've got to think fast. Pirates get cranky when they're hungry, and when pirates are cranky, they sing -- really badly! To spare their ears, Peg and Cat must make sure each pirate gets his fair share of fruit -- the same amount for everyone. And when a sneaky monkey steals a few peaches, Peg and Cat have to divide the fruit up all over again. Will they be able to give everyone an equal...
Pub. Date
It's summertime at Camp Niniwawa. Peg, Cat, and their friends Aki and Richard are in the Gopher bunk - Gophers, they always go for it! Arts and crafts is a welcome distraction from homesickness for Richard, whose love of patterns helps him build a red-and-blue Popsicle-stick ladder. When the Raccoon bunk challenges the Gophers to a friendly battle of the bunks, it's on! Winning a contest earns a bunk ten points -- but being a good sport is also important,...
Pub. Date
"It's lunchtime at Peg's Pizza Place! Peg and Cat are excited to take their first order -- from the Teens! -- only to learn that some of their customers want a whole pizza while one of them wants half a pie. How can Peg and Cat make half a pie when they don't know what half is? Luckily, Ramone and Mac are there to help, with a slice up the middle of the pizza. As more customers come in, things get entertaining, with Peg singing a jazzy song and Cat...
Pub. Date
When life gives them a problem to solve, Peg and Cat make lemonade -- and get a lesson in bartering -- in a refreshing new math adventure. It's a hot day, so what could be cooler than setting up a lemonade stand? When Peg needs some marbles to keep her special marble company, she and Cat decide to sell lemonade in exchange for ten marbles a cup. But the Teens have other ideas. "But just one cup for ten marbles?" says Mora. "I'm not made of marbles!"...
Pub. Date
It's time to learn to read, Sesame Street-style! Bert, Ernie and friends are putting on a new play and some of your favorite words are the stars. But, when their world famous closing act cancels at the last minute, everyone joins the mad scramble to find a new "grand finale.".